Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Getting Ready!

Less than 48 hours remaining in the States! So here's some final info:

If you are interested in sending us letters, we are very eager to receive them. Our address is Dan and Lisa Spencer, PCV, Corpo da Paz/U.S. Peace Corps, C.P. 4398, Maputo, Mozambique. It will probably take 2 to 4 weeks to receive anything that is sent.

We leave the country by plane on Wednesday morning and arrive in Mozambique by Thursday afternoon. We'll be staying in Maputo for a few days before leaving to start training in Namaacha. We'll be training until early December, when we move to our assigned sites and start our service.

We should be able to access the internet at least every once in a while, and I've set up a Skype account to talk to whomever I can when I get internet access. My Skype user name is dan5099. Mozambique is in the GMT +2 hours time zone. For those of you in EST, that means we'll be 6 hours ahead of you. Please talk to us; it will be nice to hear English.

I think that's all for now. Unless you are coming to visit us in Africa, we'll see you all in 27 months!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


We're less than two weeks away from leaving for Mozambique! My, my, these are exciting times. Lisa and I have been traveling across the US for the past 2.5 weeks, so we haven't been able to fully prepare ourselves for our departure yet. We have been practicing our Portuguese in or car with a CD that the Peace Corps gave us for about an hour each day. We'll finally be home in two days, at which point we need to get our affairs sorted (talk to the bank about our trip overseas, sell our car, etc), and see as much of our friends and family as we possibly can.

Can't wait.